What now

What now!

To be continued…..

Love untouchable soul

This is love not lust.

Chemistry is just the


What we have is honesty.

Art couture wrapped in cavier.

Body formation in vivid planes.

Rivers and streams flowing gently through my veins,


Wasted Time…you can’t retrieve!

In 2012……Forget the fact that disaster plagued us, many people were starving, pandemonium was the outcome of scientific testing of the human psyche….(subject matter) Re: flexibility, patience and emotional stability within an enviroment. One dilema after the next…self destruction and mental breakdowns took a spiral downward-turn and killings did not take a holiday…..love has always been a waste of time for the selfish, the greedy, and those who never knew what love

felt like, because no one shared or expressed this encounter. People still bring babies into a once civilized society and drop then into a culture gone wrong. What about the children…the ones we owe respect to. The ones that are not getting the Values this country showed us, if we keep going the way we are going…there will be no forth chance…you have three! Imagine for a second a country without good values being taught to your children over the next 10 years, and then it stops!!!!!! The streets would be a complete danger zone, and it gets worst but I won’t take you there, because I am trying take you here. Our family, our friends, our neighborhood, it is your business and your responsibility to be concern, be forth right, not tight lipped, speak love, speak faith, speak life….Show it to all children……Teach Values Again…to our future. Society needs your effort to help sustain humanity.~ Truthspot

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Glory’s Grace By Shirl Denise Frisby

I was totally alone that night on the road; I finally got the courage to escape with a destiny in mind  l was certain of. l was challenging myself, you can do it, be fearless! Releasing the builded up resistance that l have created and now turning that energy into a source of ability to move forward…hidden, but now appearing for this moment. Just drive l told myself…keep going….drive! Then l realized…l was not alone! lt was you and l…..that night. When l opted to take on this bold leap of faith, you were there with me. My destination was not clearly planned, but, you made it known….l was the driver and you navigated my path, “Sticking closer than a brother” took on a hold new meaning that night. You and l…..were one, from the beginning to the end of that journey you took me to the top of mountain peaks, where l honored you, showing up and showing out. The splendor of the most glorious majestic night skies and sunsets and breathtaking sunrises  you bestowed…..to me. I’m full of thankfulness, not contained, how Grand!!!! You and l…what comfort, this peace of mind, this love, no greater find. I’m safe with you, you shield me from harm, l comprehended. l begin to see. You revealed to me …….. a life….is life where there is love..it is the source of your strength to endure. A revelation……a book that opens…author..and closes..finisher..a life that begins…alpha..ands ends…omega. You saw my love continue to grow for a nation, a need for embracing all cultures and the people who represent them and my dedication to honor who…You are. Let it not be waxed cold, give unto me Hope’s assurance to believe in Glory’s Grace  http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html#_=1321374077122&align=&button=blue&dnt=&id=twitter_tweet_button_0&lang=en&link_color=&screen_name=ShirlDenise&show_count=&show_screen_name=&text_color=

What is relevant?

A savant is defined as a genius.  You don’t have to be a genius to acquire the ability to perceive what is truth, you only need to follow your heart and trust what you feel. The realistic approach is to receive and give, and then to channel a positive response or an negative response, the outcome should always be positive in your mind, your gateway. To avoid wrestling with negative responses that have no common place in a charged environment the human brain, which is the dwelling place that protects and corrects. Follow @designs_epic

"The visual gift is when you challenge yourself to ignite" truthspot

l’d like to speak about what the potter knew…”What is natural” lf you waste time, you will lose what cannot be re-gained at the crossroads. The hope is..and “Does” is that when you get there upon the awakening of this time and junction of your life, the challenge would be not to look backwards, but to collectively gather up your bits and pieces, of your fragmented life, where you thought there was no hope and begin to focus on a visual reality of what can be achieved and then start to believe…and create from the center point of your life something beautiful. Question??  What natural substance is sustainable and durable and can last for hundreds of years?? “One”…would be “wood” the carpenter knew that his trade would last. We must find ours. Let’s us ignite the gift and move forward to the Reveal. truthspot

GLORY’S GRACE by Shirl Denise Frisby

I was totally alone that night on the road; I finally got the courage to escape with a destiny in mind  l was certain of. l was challenging myself, you can do it, be fearless! Releasing the builded up resistance that l have created and now turning that energy into a source of ability to move forward…hidden, but now appearing for this moment. Just drive l told myself…keep going….drive! Then l realized…l was not alone! lt was you and l…..that night. When l opted to take on this bold leap of faith, you were there with me. My destination was not clearly planned, but, you made it known….l was the driver and you navigated my path, “Sticking closer than a brother” took on a hold new meaning that night. You and l…..were one, from the beginning to the end of that journey you took me to the top of mountain peaks, where l honored you, showing up and showing out. The splendor of the most glorious majestic night skies and sunsets and breathtaking sunrises  you bestowed…..to me. I’m full of thankfulness, not contained, how Grand!!!! You and l…what comfort, this peace of mind, this love, no greater find. I’m safe with you, you shield me from harm, l comprehended. l begin to see. You revealed to me …….. a life….is life where there is love..it is the source of your strength to endure. A revelation……a book that opens…author..and closes..finisher..a life that begins…alpha..ands ends…omega. You saw my love continue to grow for a nation, a need for embracing all cultures and the people who represent them and my dedication to honor who…You are. Let it not be waxed cold, give unto me Hope’s assurance to believe in Glory’s Grace  


A christian is not a christian simply because she agrees to conform her life to some set of external principles or dogmas, or because at a particular moment in her life, she experienced a rupture and changed herself entirely, She is a christian primarily because she acts like one. She loves and forgives, she listens, and prays she contemplates and befriends, her faith and her life fuse  into an unself- conscious unity that affirms a tradition of moral life and yet also make it her own. In that non-fundamentalist understanding of faith, practice is more important that theory, love is more important than law, and mystery is seen as an insight into truth rather than an obstacle.