I’m Spoken For.

Little Girl by ShirldeNise Frisby

I jumped past five decades straight into the millennium. Running through mazes and contemplating the highs and the lows of situations I found myself attached to.

Not realizing that it was strategically placed there for me. In the previsioned attempts for me to fail continuously into reckless abandonment, guilt and shame, that would lead me to denouncing who I am.

While I’m here going forward and battling unseen and foreseen enemies with smiling faces. I don’t know who I am. Not realizing the gift inside of me was sought after.

I still don’t know who I am.

Everything I ever loved was stripped away from me, one way or another. I didn’t have to be present during slavery, in this modern-day of oppression I battle the beast of burden.

My adversaries made sure of that!

The plan was for me to be lost in the wilderness, by design. I thought when I came out, I’ll be able to find that person, that little girl with all her hopes and dreams of happiness, still intact. But instead, she found hatred, jealousy, criticism, spitefulness, and abandonment.

I was she and she was I.

In my weakness, God made me strong enough to listen. I calibrated my moves with his help and guidance through the crest of my circumstances.

So, every once in a while, the little girl in me was happy. I don’t take any of the credit for that because she is me and I am her. I still don’t know who I am.

Damaged goods and a mended broken heart, I know who I belong to and so does the little girl inside of me.

By ShirldeNise Frisby