Wings to Fly for Foster Teens

Epic Design One Origin   Collection, Transformed Relics, The Artifacts” is organizing a fundraiser to fund “Golden Leaves” a residential home for aging foster teens transitioning out of foster care.  A place of support, counseling, and meeting other foster teens for peer connections. It’s time to make a statement and create change for foster teens who face challenges, adversities, lack of support, and a family unit. While being labeled “Wards of the State.”  This is part of my passion and my plan. My greatest mission is to plant the Seeds that inspire, Fertilize the mind to prepared, and to give praise and applause. A cultivation initiative that supports aging foster teens transitioning out of  the foster care system.  education and persistence and a support system.  If you would like to support my project inbox me.
“Failure is never an solution, Support is always an option.” ~sherocksfooreal
Having “Wings To Fly” is one’s greatest accomplishment in life. The opportunities are endless and obtainable.